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Gift Card 10.- CHF

Explore Switzerland Rail network with audio-guided tours created by artificial intelligence in real time. This Gift Code give 33 guide credits.

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Gift Card 20.- CHF

Explore Switzerland Rail network with audio-guided tours created by artificial intelligence in real time. This Gift Code give 200 guide credits.

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Gift Card 50.- CHF

Explore Switzerland Rail network with audio-guided tours created by artificial intelligence in real time. This Gift Code give 600 guide credits.

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Acheter (Credit Card)Ajouter au panier

1 CHF is approximatively 1 euro, Stripe should be able to convert it automatically for you.

The gift code is valid one year and for a limited number of free audio tour credits/hours on the StreetPhonia app. This gift code can only be used once. This code cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used in combination with other offers or promotions. By using/purchasing the app or/and this card, you agree to the general terms and conditions and the privacy policy of the app. ( https://streetphonia.com/CG ) The use of the application requires an account, which can only be created via one of our digital identification providers

Tous droits réservés - Version 1 - 2017-2021.

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